Healthwatch Worcestershire Feedback on Worcestershire County Council Online Adult Social Care Self Assessment Form

Worcestershire County Council have developed an Online Self Assessment Form, which enables people to register with the Council and submit an online form outlining their care and support needs.

The first step of this is an online needs checklist, which follows the format of the Care Act. Depending on the options selected the person receives a message which indicates whether or not they appear to qualify for support from Adult Social Care.

Healthwatch Worcestershire are concerned that this approach my deter people who are entitled to a needs assessment from getting in contact with the County Council. We have set out our concerns in our Report.

In their response the Council have confirmed this is not the intention.

Further changes are being made to the form, so we will keep this under review


File download
Report of Feedback from Healthwatch Worcestershire on Worcestershire County Council Online Forms
Worcestershire County Council initial response to a report from Healthwatch Worcestershire – Online ASC Forms

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